
how long can you live with blood clots in your lungs

What is a blood clot in the lungs?

Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

The signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism differ depending on the size of the jell, extent of lung involvement, and underlying medical atmospheric condition.

A claret clot is a solid or semisolid clump of claret. When the tissues of our body are injured, excessive claret loss is prevented by the clotting of blood. When a claret clot occurs within the blood vessels information technology may lead to serious medical conditions. When a claret clot occurs inside the arteries to the lungs, the condition is called pulmonary embolism (PE). The terms 'embolus' (plural: emboli) and 'embolism' refer to a claret clot or a office of a blood jell that forms at one site in the torso and travels to some other site. Pulmonary embolism is a status in which this traveling clot lodges itself in the arteries of the lungs.

Can you recover from a claret jell in the lungs?

Early treatment of pulmonary embolism is important to prevent serious complications. Treatment aims at preventing:

  • An increment in the size of the blood clot
  • The germination of new clots

Treatment options include:

  • Anticoagulation medicines (claret thinners): They are the most common treatment for a blood jell in the lungs. Although blood thinners practise not make your blood thin. They slow the process of new clots forming and prevent the already formed ones from getting bigger. Claret thinners include:
    • Unfractionated heparin (UFH)
    • Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)
    • Warfarin
    • Directly oral anticoagulant (DOAC) medications
  • Thrombolytic therapy ("the clot busters" or "clot dissolvers") to dissolve the existing clots.
  • Surgery may exist needed to remove a very large, life-threatening clot.
  • Pinch stockings may be useful to prevent the recurrence of pulmonary embolism, every bit virtually of the clots in the lungs originate in the legs.
  • A vena cava filter may be surgically placed in a large vein of the abdomen called the vena cava. It can 'filter out' or catch blood clots from the legs earlier they accomplish the lungs.
  • Management of risk factors ( cessation of smoking, weight control, regular exercise).
  • Suitable attention must be given to reduce the risk of haemorrhage while on anticoagulants. The doctor may advise fugitive certain foods, alcohol, or some over-the-counter medications (such as aspirin and sleeping pills).
  • People on blood thinners should not overexert themselves during exercises.


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Is a clot in the lung dangerous?

Although a jell in the lung may be a life-threatening condition, with appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications that reduce the gamble factors, most people live well.

Some of the complications of pulmonary embolism are:

  • Disorders of center rhythm (arrhythmias)
  • Shock
  • Heart failure
  • Pleural effusion (collection of fluid effectually the lungs)
  • Pulmonary infarction (the death of lung tissue)
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood force per unit area in the blood vessels of the lungs)
  • Sudden cardiac death

As treatment of pulmonary embolism involves using anticoagulants, at that place tin be anticoagulant related complications besides. These include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood in vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
  • Blood in stool or black, tarry stools
  • Headache
  • Sudden vision changes
  • Sudden loss of strength in any of the limbs
  • Defoliation
  • Retentivity loss
  • Fainting

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1 Response to "how long can you live with blood clots in your lungs"

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